Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tattoo Is Complete! (Stage 3)

Fuck Yeah! It's finished! It looks so amazing! Thanks again Geoff, you're the best. I love that tattoo shop, and even if I move to Vancouver, I'll still come back to get one from them. They're so nice and heartwarming, and it's something you don't see in most tattoo shops. There's always drama and there's never a dull moment. They make the time go by extremely fast and though getting a tattoo is painful, having someone to talk and having a nice atmosphere does subdue the pain. Plus it makes you think "It's over ALREADY?!"

At least that's how I felt. I can't believe it's been 2.5 months since my last visit, and 4.5 months since my first encounter with Geoff in mid-September. It's crazy how time flies. He recently bought a new tattoo machine that produces less noise and it hurts less, which is amazing for first timers. I had the old one for the outlining and it hurts like a bitch. But not like it doesn't hurt with the new one, LOL. I mean it still hurts, but just less. Haha.

Geoff said that I would be addicted to get more, and he could see it in my eyes... and you know what, he guessed right. Lol. I love his work and I think it's so cool for him and his co-owners to be able to draw that good, especially on skin. I mean, I barely can even draw a stick man. Haha. I asked - "I bet you're addicted too since you have so many..." And he answered, "Of course! Haha. Definately." And word of advice, "FTW" doesn't mean "For The Win" to tattooers. It means "Fuck The World" apparently. Haha. That's what I learned today. So word of caution! LOL

Anyways, without further adeu, my finished tattoo.

©2011 (Please ask or leave a comment if you want to use any of my pictures. It's not nice to just take someone else's pictures for your personal use, and my tattoo artist won't really like it either. Thanks)

Off Whyte Tattoos
#3, 10015 - Whyte Av.
Edmonton, AB (Canada)
(780) 439.7891


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