Sunday, January 16, 2011

Another Year Older

19 isn't really special. It's not like 1, 13, 16, 18, 21... It's just 19. Thanks for the birthday wishes via. Facebook, IM, and via. Text messaging. You guys are each adding a piece of smile on my face. Truly. I'm blessed to have a family who loves and supports me. I'm happy for the friends whom I see everyday. And If I didnt see you for a long time, well why the fuck did we not hang?! Lol. Looking back at all the adventures I had in my life makes me feel so blessed. Thinking in a global perspective, we are so fortunate to live a life like this. Millions of children in third world countries don't have the same rights and freedom as we do in North America. So don't hate your parents. Many children out there are orphans. They didn't even get a chance to see their mother and father, and yet we yell at them everyday. Don't be picky, especially when it comes down to food. Don't bitch that you got artichokes in your salad, or you wanted whole wheat instead of white. What a child in Africa wouldn't give to have a slice of that pizza. Poor guys. I wish I can do more to help. It's just so heartbreaking to see not just African children, but children all around the world that doesn't meet the standard of living. It's simply not fair. Everyone should get to live a good childhood. I mean, did you ever have a bad memory when you were a child?

Anyways, enough rambling. Here are a couple of pics that I took while I was at the tattoo studio. This was the best present I gave to myself. Enjoy!

The Brilliant Artist Behind It All =)
A failed attempt of trying to take a picture of myself.


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