Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Snow and +1°C Does Not Mix!

Have you ever been on the streets during winter and the snow and dirt turns into slush? Well if you have, then you know what I'm talking about. Puddles of water mixed with mud lie along the road and sidewalk. So what do you get when a car drives over the puddle and a pedestrian like me is standing on the sidewalk?! You're absolutely right! A pissed off asian who swearing at the fricken driver because he decided to speed up right at the bus stop!! Bitches. I know the person who sprayed me was in a red caravan! Well... that doesn't help a lot when more than one person owns this van. But it is old though, let me tell you...

Changing the subject here - Today was our first day back of school. And let me tell you. Waking up at 6:40 instead of 12:00 is hell. And during the winter in Canada, you wake up when its dark outside, and you come home when its dark outside. So I'm not surprised if a lot of people have scurvy. Just Kidding. But yes, going back to school is daunting. Especially if you have to run from one building to another building 5 blocks away for a class, and then run back to the first building for the final class. Sigh* Oh well. I guess I don't need to go to the gym this semester.

Buying textbooks are expensive too! The Used Ones do save money but the only problem is that most of the books in stock are NEW! Gee... thanks for telling us the price of the used one, even if there was never any used one on the shelf. Pfft. I already spent 262 on textbooks and I still need 2 more. Plus I need to get rid of textbooks from last semester.

Have a great week,

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