Saturday, January 1, 2011


The New Year has been off to a great start! It's SNOWING!!!! Sweet! What's my New Year's Resolution? >Getting Laid. Just Kidding! Probably getting good grades in University. Life is not simple - and for those who say it is - You're such a fucking liar! Lol.

I can't wait till Reading Week (a week off from University sometime in Mid-February). I want to go skiing in the mountains SOOOO BADLY!!! Too bad I don't have my actual license yet. Only a stupid Learners. Ugh.

So far, I only went skiing once this year - which was what... like 5 days ago?! It was so fun. Spending time with a good friend is always a good thing!

So anyone heard of Cityville on Facebook? It's fucking addicting like crack. Not that I do crack or anything like that - but it is addicting I tell 'ya. It's a game similar to Farmville. You basically build your ideal city, but to do that you must level up with the help from your neighbours - aka. you need help from your friends. It's really fun and exciting. I'm hooked and most of my friends know that by now.

I can't believe school starts next Wednesday. The holiday went by Fffastttt~ It doesn't seem like it's been 2 weeks. More like 1! But hey, I'm getting my tattoo finished on the day before the new term starts. Nothing better than to start the new school year with a finished tattoo - I'm serious! I love my tattoo so far -and I can't stop staring at it. I just wonder why is it so hard for most of society to accept people with ink on their skin. We're just like you but more artsy-er. Like not all tattooed people are people who went to jail or in gangs.. I think that society are more adapted to tattoos now and that most people who have tattoo are just normal people like you and me.

So since 2010 just ended - my top 5 songs from 2010 are:

1. Just The Way You Are - Bruno Mars
2. Perfect - Hedley
3. Wavin' Flag - Various Artist for Haiti
4. California Girls - Katy Perry
5. Only Girl (In The World) - Rihanna

Happy Holidays,

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