Monday, January 10, 2011

A Person's Blog

A person's blog is like a diary. It can tell you how they feel, what they feel, and what's happening in their lives. To me, it's a way of expressing myself. Fuck, shit, bitch. Who's gonna fucking gonna tell me I can't put this shit on here? Noone!! But it's not just about free speech, it's about writing about something you really care about. And right now I'm beginning to miss my friends. Of course I have friends in college? But I also have friends at my old college too. It seems that our tight bond is detached and is separated. I feel like something isn't right, like a part of me inside is dead. I can't believe it's already the winter term. Shit. School is shit. I mean, why can't we just get the knowledge that we need for our occupation and leave it at that?! Why the fuck do we need to learn poetry if I'm going to become a fuckin businessman?! Who's idea was this anyways?

This last weekend it snowed like shit. Too bad the snow wasn't like money just falling from the sky. That would have been one he'll of a new year. Hehe. But anyways... 40 fuckin cm of snow. And to you Americans that's 40 / 2.51 Inches. The city is retarded of having the snow removal crew of shovelling only after the snow stops. Mr. Fucking Mandela, get your fucking brain out of the fucking toilet. How the fuck would people drive if there's 35+ cm of snow on the ground and the snow isn't expected to stop until tomorrow?! People need to make a living to support their family unlike you who just take tax layers money. Fucking skank.

I'm so over Edmonton. After college, going to move to vancouver and find a job there. Just 3 more years baby.

Until then guess I just have to suck it up. Anyways, whenever I get pissed about shit like this, I always think how fortunate I am of being raised in such a fortunate family and that somewhere out there, there are always kids that are starving, begging for money, working, homeless, and abandoned or that they're orphans. It is really sad come to think of it. If I was put in that situation, I don't think I could survive even one day. Probably I would just commit suicide. So Im really amazed how brave they are. Some have to even take care of their siblings at the age of 9. What was I doing at the age of 9? My mom spanking me to go to sleep besides watching porn =P. Just kidding about the porn... Or am I?? Ooooooo.....

Man I'm one fuckin horny little Asian. I wish that I can somehow help these kids in the future cause they didn't even get to experience the life of being a kid; no responsibility, parents to tuck you in at night, or even someone to cook or to talk to when you're feeling alone. As much as my mon and dad bitches for shit I do, I still love them. Even though we have many differences in points of view. I could seriously rant on and on and on.... but you guys might get bored.

And one more thing before I fall asleep. I've been reading Jakob Hoggard's blog. It's so emotional and he's a talented writer in prose and shit even though he gets drunk everyday and burns his best friend's hair and other douchebag stuff. It really moved me. Thanks Jake and I like Hedley's music for the most part.

Remember: when life gives you lemons, make lemonade... Or have a shot of tequila. Whatever work,

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