Friday, December 17, 2010

Last Exam Ended with a BANG!

Shit. I think I literally bombed this test. Fucking son of a bitch. If you are under the age of majority, please skip this post as content may be vulgar and/or violent. And shut the fuck up for thinking - why didn't I posted that sentence in the beginning instead. I don't know... cause fucking didn't feel like it!

Anyways, so the first 23 multiple choice questions were pretty easy and I thought, "hmm it's not so bad." oh fuck yeah it wasn't bad... It was REALLY fucking bad!! Bad to the point where I have to blog about it. 24-49 were hard ass guessing... "it looks like I need a few more A's... Oh look! I never had a D for a while, let's shade that in shall we." 50-60 were pretty easy so it was sort of a relief.. To make things worse, like it could've gotten any worse, there was short answer questions... FML.

Well to look on the bright side, all my exams are done and the holidays are starting. But is still bummed that the UofA gets their break till the 10th, while GMac starts as early as the 5th!! And no, I haven't begun to sell or even buy my textbooks yet for the winter term! Oh my god! Can you believe it's nearly 2011? My birthday is in 30 days and I'm going to be 19. Time does fly. But why can't time fly when you're not having fun? I mean that would just make the world a better place and people with less emo-ness so in the end, won't commit suicide.

Have a wonderful weekend,

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