Saturday, April 23, 2011

The 4 Month Holiday Begins!

Even though University is stressful as hell, I guess the con to all of this is that we get a 4 month vacay from all this madness... Unless you're unfortunate and take spring or summer courses though.

So far, I got 3 grades for the 5 courses so far... and they're pretty good. 2 B+, and 1 B... So current GPA is 3.20. I'm scared for MGTS and ENGL though... Please let them be B+!!!!

Now that my classes have ended, there's more time for Chinese dramas, and The Amazing Race. Still can't believe that Mallory and Gary almost got eliminated last week. Hopefully they will win. They're such a happy and optomistic team. Rumor has it that they will win!!!! As for Chinese dramas, you guys should watch 《點解阿Sir係阿Sir》. The first two episodes are pretty corny, but come the third episode, the story starts to pick up. It stars Moses Chan, Ron Ng, and Linda Yeung.

Sorry I haven't been blogging for like a month, but exams are stressful. Now that school's out, hopefully I would be able to post more stuff - that and work of course. Still need to find a new job. Any suggestions?


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