Monday, February 21, 2011

I Am Number 9784131210-A

As you may not know, I am also an alien that came from another planet named Landorf. Yes, I possess many of the powers demonstrated by "Jon Smith."

Bahaha. No disrespect - but the movie was quite good. The lizard, who transformed into a dog, who transformed into a monster, was kind of cool. Hahaha. I thought it was the antagonist, but he was on Number 4's side (Jon Smith). Surprisingly, Jon ditches his crush, and I was really shocked. She should've tagged along, instead of being left in Paradise, Ohio. But the one thing that made me depressed was the school! Like, although the monsters from the planet vanishes into a cloud of ash, the school was left like a nuclear bomb has exploded on the site. I mean, what would the principal say, waking up the next morning and seeing his school ripped to shreads?! The students would be like: Fuck Yeah, no school, well - maybe the teachers too for not having to deal with those rotten teenage kids.

And after that fiasco, wouldn't the whole world population know about these aliens now? I mean, the numerous spectators that witnessed the whole monsters, and Number 4's power demonstration at his crush's house - did I mention they captured the events on their cell phones?!

The movie ends leaving the viewers with a possiblity of a sequel - saying that Number 4 and Number 6, must reunite with the others to defeat the opposing forces... and they're bringing Sam, the dude that has been bullied in school for his belief in aliens, and his (real) dad was captured by aliens, but we all know in the middle of the movie, got killed by the opposing forces.

Critique: ★★★★☆ (4.4/5.0)

Happy Family Day,

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