Japan is a country located on the Northeastern part of Asia where the Pacific Plate meets the Eurasian Plate. The border of the Pacific plate is known as the "Ring of Fire" due to the many volcanic activities that are caused by the shifting of the Pacific plate. Japan is known for earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as the plate which lies to the east of Japan is unstable - causing the plates to shift. Although Japan experiences earthquakes, nearly none of them can be compared to that of today's. Japan experienced a 8.9 Earthquake, ranked top 9 earthquakes in history.
(Tsunami updates will be posted)
Coastal Areas of the following Countries/States are to be evacuated:
-California State
-Washington State
-Hawaii State
Countries/States where Tsunami Warning has been lifted:
-South America (continent)
Many people are suffering without power and the lives of many are lost. My thoughts and prayers goes out for Japan and that hopefully, fire crews can save lives from the rubble.