
Can't wait for Stage 3!!
Woo hoo. The black shading is all done. Man, if you can avoid the tip of your shoulder then please avoid it. Lol. That was the most painful part of the tattoo. The other parts of the arm does not hurt as much.
If you're thinking of getting a tattoo, I totally recommend Geoff Stewart at Off Whyte Tattoos (#3, 10015 – Whyte Av.)
My Tattoo as of October 19, 2010
*The 2 red marks are to test if I have the "red pigment" allergy. LOL. Gee thanks Geoff.
翻叮一族 (The Comeback Clan)
金融海嘯下,有人生意不景,有人失業,有人投資失利輸身家,有人因財失義感情破裂,有人患難見真情,透過一間食肆,兩個家庭,三個股東如何面對金融海嘯的故事,帶出逆境自強,團結就是力量的正面信息。 茶餐廳三股東 各懷鬼胎 戴顧東(夏雨飾)是老牌茶餐廳「味食園」的老闆,憑著親手調製的絲襪奶茶,迄立不倒數十年,不料碰上百年一遇的金融海嘯,生意大跌,面臨倒閉!女兒戴瑩莉(唐詩詠飾)年前外國畢業回港,任職公關,正和大提琴手葉積良(陳鍵鋒飾)拍拖。積良為人善良但懦弱,顧東並不喜歡他。 積良父親葉慕昇(許紹雄飾)原是會所餐廳副經理,但因金融海嘯被裁。顧東誤以為慕昇是隱形富豪,騙慕昇入股茶餐廳。到慕昇發現茶餐廳經營困難時,已拿不回錢,對顧東懷恨。慕昇遂和兒子搬入戴家暫住,兩老遂展開大鬥法,可憐積良和瑩莉受累成兩老磨心。 慕昇大手投資迷債成苦主,遂組成聯盟向銀行追討。顧東意外捲入追討行動,和銀行代表利蓉姿(伍詠薇飾)衝突,最後蓉姿被銀行當代罪羔羊辭退。那知蓉姿發現過身父親昔日是顧東合夥人,更把股份留給她,又誤會當顧年東曾經挑撥父母間感情兼且騙取父親大部分股份,於是插手茶餐廳以望翻身及報仇。 私房菜大翻身 暗潮洶湧 味食園生意仍舊慘淡,蓉姿提出將絲襪奶茶以罐裝出售,並成功取得危氏集團的合作生產。蓉姿為了取得絲襪奶茶的秘方,與顧東、慕昇發生衝突,令散工崔喜喜(商天娥飾)意外失憶。三人惟有騙她說慕昇是她的丈夫,顧東則是其表哥。 蓉姿並沒有放棄向顧東報仇之心,而顧東亦一心想趕霸道的蓉姿離開茶餐廳,彼此爾虞我詐,各懷鬼胎。顧東被設計下丟了茶餐廳,萬念俱灰下竟去跳樓……另一方面,蓉姿發現自己誤會了顧東報錯了仇,內疚不已。味食園被危氏集團收購,慕昇因喜喜的關係,成為話事人;原來喜喜是危氏集團老闆危振滄(駱應鈞飾)的前妻。慕昇乘機向顧東追討欠款,積良不值其所為而離家。 喜喜突然恢復記憶,明白所謂幸福家庭只是假局,和慕昇分手。顧東想通後決定開設私房菜,找來喜喜幫助再戰江湖。在蓉姿暗中幫忙下,喜喜的「火山炒飯」更贏得口碑。另一方面,振滄因病由養子危賜安(敖嘉年飾)接掌危氏集團大權,過橋抽板,將慕昇及一班舊夥計逐出茶餐廳。顧東等見慕昇誠意改過,既往不究,而喜喜也明白慕昇的情意;蓉姿也驚覺顧東愛上自己。眾人看似盡解前怨,團結一致,仍暗潮洶湧。 一蚊租地計劃 逆境自強 富商陳伯(秦煌飾)推出一元租地計劃,顧東等欲以低價租下大片空地開大笪地式大牌檔,幫助舊夥計及飲食業員工逆境自強。振滄突然被襲昏迷,顧東被警方控告……租地計劃有礙危氏發展豪宅,賜安決心打跨顧東一夥人,蓉姿更在此時倒戈相向……另一方面,賜安使計令積良和瑩莉分手,瑩莉轉投賜安懷抱…… 眾人事業和感情,都到了決定性關頭!究竟大笪地的計劃能否繼續?一眾草根能否打敗大財團?瑩莉和積良、慕昇和喜喜、顧東和蓉姿,是否可以有情人終成眷屬?
Synopsis: Severely hit by the financial turmoil in Hong Kong, TAI KU-TUNG's (Ha Yu) restaurant is running short of capital while YIP MO-SING (Hui Shiu Hung) is interested in acquiring the restaurant's location. He decides to invest in it, ignorant of the restaurant's financial situation. With the restaurant's problem temporarily solved, TUNG concentrates on working out new dishes and ideas for the restaurant. He discovers TSUI HEI-HEI (Sheung Tin Ngor), a novice cook with a signature egg fried rice recipe. She even wins the appreciation of the Michelin food critic experts. As a result, TUNG treats her extremely well. One day, a bank representative, LEI YUNG-CHI (Ng Wing Mei) pops into the restaurant and claims that HEI has a debt with the bank. She picks a fight with CHI in a heated argument. In the fight, HEI is injured and loses her memory. For fear of losing the restaurant's reputation, TUNG decides to put on a show and pretends to be HEI's elder brother while SING acts as her husband. Cello teacher YIP TSIK-LEUNG (Sammul Chan) plays HEI's son and his girlfriend, TAI YING-LEI (Natalie Tong) is assigned the role of HEI's cousin. In the meantime, YUNG is fired from the bank but now claims that she is a shareholder and plans to reform the entire restaurant. Now all three owners want to make decisions but all three have different ideas. A triangular power struggle is developed in the process.