Sunday, December 26, 2010
Kevin's Top 3 Boxing Day Purchases
2. Omnitech 15 Cross Sheet Shreader $48.78 (Reg. $118.78) @ Staples
3. Tyenol Complete (40) $19.99 @ Superstore
Those are my top 3 deals of the day! This year, there's not much to buy. It's mostly LCD TVs and computers on sale. And I got all those already. I'm just waiting for my Toys R' Us gift card to come in the mail so I can buy Gran Turismo 5 already!
Have fun shopping! And Happy Holidays,
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas! 聖誕快樂!
Did everyone open their presents yet? I sure did. Though some gifts are not that useful to me, it's the thought that counts right? So, here I have to say THANK YOU to my family and friends!
Tonight, my family and I are going over to my cousins house for a lovely dinner. Just moving into a new house, what better to destroy it in less than a month?!? Just kidding. We won't destroy it.... that much. Hehe. Thank goodness his wife's cooking. Otherwise, I think ordering out will be a much better idea. =)
Though, everywhere is closed... except for the Chinese restaurants around town. They're always opened during the holidays (for business of course).
And tomorrow is BOXING DAY! Who plated the name (Boxing Day)? I mean was it a wrestling term? Or perhaps it has to deal with people wrapping items in boxes and shipping them off? Which reminds me, where are all my online purchases?! You can make most of your Boxing Day purchases online and it's hassle free. No line ups, no trampling over people to get that last discounted TV. Once all of your online purchases are done, all you have to do tomorrow, is just simply go to the stores which you couldn't make purchases online. So simple! Hehe.
Okay, well tis' time to go to my cousin's house! I would like to wish everyone again a Merry Christmas! Hope everyone's having a great day and is spending this festive time with family and friends. As well as don't drink and drive. Wishing everyone a great day means that everyone is safe! It's not a very great day if someone was hurt is it?

Happy Holidays!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Fever's Gone, Now Comes the Cough
Aside from that... did anyone see that Lunar Eclipse that happened yesterday? Although I couldn't see it because my house lacked the windows necessary that would allow me to view it at a 90º. =( Plus I was too sick to go outside to look at it. Though this special event only takes place roughly every 300 years.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Hates Being Sick
So I got 3/5 GPAs. 3.00 avg. Just waiting for the last 2 marks. Please ECON! I'm begging you, a C will be good enough.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
A word of caution: Don't Get Sick Before Christmas!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
A Brand New Day
Todays a brand new day, and yet have I start setting up my Christmas Tree yet! Time to start... after work. Did I mention I have work till 1 in the morning tonight? Shit.
That's all from me today,
Friday, December 17, 2010
Last Exam Ended with a BANG!
Anyways, so the first 23 multiple choice questions were pretty easy and I thought, "hmm it's not so bad." oh fuck yeah it wasn't bad... It was REALLY fucking bad!! Bad to the point where I have to blog about it. 24-49 were hard ass guessing... "it looks like I need a few more A's... Oh look! I never had a D for a while, let's shade that in shall we." 50-60 were pretty easy so it was sort of a relief.. To make things worse, like it could've gotten any worse, there was short answer questions... FML.
Well to look on the bright side, all my exams are done and the holidays are starting. But is still bummed that the UofA gets their break till the 10th, while GMac starts as early as the 5th!! And no, I haven't begun to sell or even buy my textbooks yet for the winter term! Oh my god! Can you believe it's nearly 2011? My birthday is in 30 days and I'm going to be 19. Time does fly. But why can't time fly when you're not having fun? I mean that would just make the world a better place and people with less emo-ness so in the end, won't commit suicide.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Brain Overload by Economics
So many things to memorize... It doesn't seem daunting now, but if i really wanted to continue, I might just bore the shit out of you.
The test is in 3.5 hours and the info just isn't staying inside my head. Curse you Christmas... Actually, don't curse Christmas, or else Santa would be pissed. See, I don't see why Santa doesn't charge money for his deliveries and his presents since he's an Pure Monopoly - hes the only one that can make these presents. Like I would be charging 100 per household. Hahaha. Though you can argue that it's from the kindness of his heart. But I'm just sayin', he would make killer profits.
But that's just me.
Ok well I'm going to go get myself some kick ass coffee from Timmie's then study some more.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Thursday, December 16, 2010
True Facts!
I feel your pain my fellow Kevin, who also happens to be asian!
Enjoy The Video,
Snowed In!
Glad I got that out of my system. Here are some of the scenes outside from this snowstorm for you home viewers that DONT have to go outside in the fricken cold to write an exam!

Coliseum Station [06:30]
Grant MacEwan University (107th Avenue / 104 Street) [06:45]

Grant MacEwan University / Bus Terminal [10:42]
P.S. Did I mention my back is sore from all the shovelling? Oh do I ever feel old.
New Tattoo Idea??
I think my next tattoo would be a type of flower on the underside of my arm. Just like this Carl's.



Um... lol. I think he was sick that day... He's a pretty cool guy. Emailed him if I could get a better pic of his tat and he agreed. Thanks Carl! Oh, and did I mention? This guy lives in SWEDEN! Sweet!
UPDATE: He replied to my message. What a great guy. I have decided this is what I'm going to get!


Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Stuff You Come Across While Studying
Enjoy! I had a great laugh from it. This is the guy version.
Really Needs a Haircut!
Need to get a haircut before the holidays Or Else I'm going to look like some FOB.
It's that time again!
HIST 281
PSYC 104
LEGL 210
ECON 101
I can't wait for the Holidays to come! Getting my tattoo finished on the 20th. Full color =) Then the day after that, it's a movie day with Randy. On the 23rd Tak's birthday and clubbing. Chirstmas Eve = dinner with the family, and on the 25th Presents! Horray! And Boxing day the day after... well I don't think I'm going to buy anything this year... I've already spent money on a Apple laptop and my tattoo. So I think I've done my pre-boxing day shopping already.
Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year! (Year of the Rabbit)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Tattoo is Flaking and Under-staffed
Sigh, *The Ugly Stage*, but it's not the worst part. After the "Ugly Stage", the tattoo will become irresistably itchy!!!! So slap it you may say? Doesn't work for me. It only makes the feeling worse!!!! Well thats not going to happen for about another week or so..
By the way, did I tell you that we're UNDERSTAFFED at Panago!? I wish there was someone the store can hire. I mean I'm working a 2.5 Person job here. Not fair right?
Anyways, keep you posted.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Tattoo Update (Stage 2)
Woo hoo. The black shading is all done. Man, if you can avoid the tip of your shoulder then please avoid it. Lol. That was the most painful part of the tattoo. The other parts of the arm does not hurt as much.
If you're thinking of getting a tattoo, I totally recommend Geoff Stewart at Off Whyte Tattoos (#3, 10015 – Whyte Av.)
My Tattoo as of October 19, 2010
*The 2 red marks are to test if I have the "red pigment" allergy. LOL. Gee thanks Geoff.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
翻叮一族 (The Comeback Clan)
翻叮一族 (The Comeback Clan)
金融海嘯下,有人生意不景,有人失業,有人投資失利輸身家,有人因財失義感情破裂,有人患難見真情,透過一間食肆,兩個家庭,三個股東如何面對金融海嘯的故事,帶出逆境自強,團結就是力量的正面信息。 茶餐廳三股東 各懷鬼胎 戴顧東(夏雨飾)是老牌茶餐廳「味食園」的老闆,憑著親手調製的絲襪奶茶,迄立不倒數十年,不料碰上百年一遇的金融海嘯,生意大跌,面臨倒閉!女兒戴瑩莉(唐詩詠飾)年前外國畢業回港,任職公關,正和大提琴手葉積良(陳鍵鋒飾)拍拖。積良為人善良但懦弱,顧東並不喜歡他。 積良父親葉慕昇(許紹雄飾)原是會所餐廳副經理,但因金融海嘯被裁。顧東誤以為慕昇是隱形富豪,騙慕昇入股茶餐廳。到慕昇發現茶餐廳經營困難時,已拿不回錢,對顧東懷恨。慕昇遂和兒子搬入戴家暫住,兩老遂展開大鬥法,可憐積良和瑩莉受累成兩老磨心。 慕昇大手投資迷債成苦主,遂組成聯盟向銀行追討。顧東意外捲入追討行動,和銀行代表利蓉姿(伍詠薇飾)衝突,最後蓉姿被銀行當代罪羔羊辭退。那知蓉姿發現過身父親昔日是顧東合夥人,更把股份留給她,又誤會當顧年東曾經挑撥父母間感情兼且騙取父親大部分股份,於是插手茶餐廳以望翻身及報仇。 私房菜大翻身 暗潮洶湧 味食園生意仍舊慘淡,蓉姿提出將絲襪奶茶以罐裝出售,並成功取得危氏集團的合作生產。蓉姿為了取得絲襪奶茶的秘方,與顧東、慕昇發生衝突,令散工崔喜喜(商天娥飾)意外失憶。三人惟有騙她說慕昇是她的丈夫,顧東則是其表哥。 蓉姿並沒有放棄向顧東報仇之心,而顧東亦一心想趕霸道的蓉姿離開茶餐廳,彼此爾虞我詐,各懷鬼胎。顧東被設計下丟了茶餐廳,萬念俱灰下竟去跳樓……另一方面,蓉姿發現自己誤會了顧東報錯了仇,內疚不已。味食園被危氏集團收購,慕昇因喜喜的關係,成為話事人;原來喜喜是危氏集團老闆危振滄(駱應鈞飾)的前妻。慕昇乘機向顧東追討欠款,積良不值其所為而離家。 喜喜突然恢復記憶,明白所謂幸福家庭只是假局,和慕昇分手。顧東想通後決定開設私房菜,找來喜喜幫助再戰江湖。在蓉姿暗中幫忙下,喜喜的「火山炒飯」更贏得口碑。另一方面,振滄因病由養子危賜安(敖嘉年飾)接掌危氏集團大權,過橋抽板,將慕昇及一班舊夥計逐出茶餐廳。顧東等見慕昇誠意改過,既往不究,而喜喜也明白慕昇的情意;蓉姿也驚覺顧東愛上自己。眾人看似盡解前怨,團結一致,仍暗潮洶湧。 一蚊租地計劃 逆境自強 富商陳伯(秦煌飾)推出一元租地計劃,顧東等欲以低價租下大片空地開大笪地式大牌檔,幫助舊夥計及飲食業員工逆境自強。振滄突然被襲昏迷,顧東被警方控告……租地計劃有礙危氏發展豪宅,賜安決心打跨顧東一夥人,蓉姿更在此時倒戈相向……另一方面,賜安使計令積良和瑩莉分手,瑩莉轉投賜安懷抱…… 眾人事業和感情,都到了決定性關頭!究竟大笪地的計劃能否繼續?一眾草根能否打敗大財團?瑩莉和積良、慕昇和喜喜、顧東和蓉姿,是否可以有情人終成眷屬?
Synopsis: Severely hit by the financial turmoil in Hong Kong, TAI KU-TUNG's (Ha Yu) restaurant is running short of capital while YIP MO-SING (Hui Shiu Hung) is interested in acquiring the restaurant's location. He decides to invest in it, ignorant of the restaurant's financial situation. With the restaurant's problem temporarily solved, TUNG concentrates on working out new dishes and ideas for the restaurant. He discovers TSUI HEI-HEI (Sheung Tin Ngor), a novice cook with a signature egg fried rice recipe. She even wins the appreciation of the Michelin food critic experts. As a result, TUNG treats her extremely well. One day, a bank representative, LEI YUNG-CHI (Ng Wing Mei) pops into the restaurant and claims that HEI has a debt with the bank. She picks a fight with CHI in a heated argument. In the fight, HEI is injured and loses her memory. For fear of losing the restaurant's reputation, TUNG decides to put on a show and pretends to be HEI's elder brother while SING acts as her husband. Cello teacher YIP TSIK-LEUNG (Sammul Chan) plays HEI's son and his girlfriend, TAI YING-LEI (Natalie Tong) is assigned the role of HEI's cousin. In the meantime, YUNG is fired from the bank but now claims that she is a shareholder and plans to reform the entire restaurant. Now all three owners want to make decisions but all three have different ideas. A triangular power struggle is developed in the process.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
The weather today is pretty gloomy and the “stickiness” from the humid air is getting on my nerves. On the other hand, the weather from the past two weeks in Hong Kong is pretty cool actually (compared to my last recognition 3 years ago…). I can’t believe that two weeks has already gone by!
Tomorrow is the day that Angela and Victoria are stopping by for a visit. Hope tomorrow doesn’t bring “June” showers. Oh, I have to call Allen tomorrow so we can all meet up. Where can I take AC and VC? Oh! I can probably take them to Victoria Harbour, Tsim Sha Tsui (via. Avenue of the Stars), and stuff like that on the first day. And after they leave, my cousins from Canada are rendezvousing up with us. My mom is going to go non stop shopping with them for a few days and then we’re off to Malaysia for five days.
Omg! And I still have to get my cell phone!!! I’m just waiting for the exchange rate to get higher.
Anyways going out now!!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Hong Kong Summary of Week 1
Monday, May 24, 2010
Wedding Takes Flight
What a day, a wedding and preparing for a flight the morning after. This spells "disaster!"
My cousin got married with a beautiful woman that he will treasure forever and ever! Yay!!! Pictures and video clips will be posted in the upcoming days, when I settle down in HK of course.
Plane leaves at 09:50 MST. So I better get some shut eye. Asia Trip 2010 will commence!!!!!! Talk to you guys from the other side of the Pacific~
Kevin Lang
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Koi Fish Half Sleeve Tattoo
Koi Fish Hlf Sleeve Tattoo Complete in 1 Session!!
Artist: Kian Forreal
I think this tattoo is sweet. What I find more amazing is that how that guy can sit still for 8 hours straight! Grats dude. It looks great!
I hope I can stand 4 hours without dying. (I think I'll do 2 - 4 hour sessions)
Hong Kong Countdown: 2 days
Friday, May 21, 2010
More Kois that I Like

And this one, I like the color of the Koi. Simply amazing!!!!!
Sorry for drowning my whole blog with these tattoos, but I'm so stoked to get one. It's going to be there for my entire life.
Thanks Geoff, I will see you in August and plan this out, and hopefully, I'll be wearing it before my birthday (January 16).
Hong Kong Countdown: 3 days (woo hoo!)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Movie Night, Mom’s in Need, and Tattoo Updates
Wow, so much happened today - more than I expected. Waking up to the sound of my mom's friends, I stumbled to take a shower. My mom informed me that we were going to have Dim Sum with her friends (yay). We didn't eat too much, but the rash underneath my mom's right eye started to get worse. Offering to drive her to the hospital, she rejected. Next we drove to the hair salon. There was a long wait, so instead we went to the bank to get some money exchanged and taken out for our vacay (yay). Driving home and dropping off some stuff, we then ventured back to the hair salon and get an amazing haircut…. er. I don't like to get haircuts. Anyways, after all that, I went to take the bus to West Ed to watch a movie with a delightful friend.
If you guys haven't watched it yet, you should!!! It's called "Date Night." It's more of a comedy than a romance flick – so guys, you are more than welcome to watch it. Haha, I was hesitant at first to watch this too. The movie finished at 21:00 and amazingly there was still sunlight!! Calling my dad to see if he's here, I got my mom instead, asking if they were here yet. Alarmed by her response, my dad took me to the hospital. Hmm.. it appears as though she's left with my cousin. So then we went to London Drugs to get her some antibiotics. The swelling is less now, and the bulge is closer to her eye now (before it was bigger). Hope she gets better soon!!! *Fingers crossed
Today wasn't all that bad. I got a reply from my (desired) tattoo artist!!! I'm so excited!!
Hi Kevin,
We can get together to discuss your design ideas any time now. No problem with
the 6-7 month time frame. I'm going to be away at a tattoo convention in
Halifax for the next week and will be back on the 30th. If you want to drop by
the shop after that we can sit down and make a plan. If you have some koi
pictures in mind already then email them to me. If not spend a bit of time
surfing google images for ideas. You don't have to find the exact design you
want. Say you like the fin on one koi then save that pic, or you like the eye
on another save that pic too. When you have 6 to 10 pics you like I will use
those as reference pictures to draw you an original koi incorporating all the
elements you like from the others. As far as the size of your "canvas" - don't
worry about that either. The tattoo will grow or shrink with your body - it
doesn't disfigure. I look forward to working with you.
Yay!!!! I look forward from getting tattooed from you too Geoff, minus the pain of course.
Hong Kong Countdown: 5 days!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Holy cow, I want a tattoo so badly now for some reason. I think I'm going to stick with the Koi Fish one. I like the Japanese type of tattoos. Guess I have to work out now… This is the design I want:
Though I don't really like the color of the Koi, I prefer something like this:

I'm going to try to aim for my birthday!!!! Woo Hoo.
As for HK, I did a lot of homework researching bus routes and what not for myself and for my cousin. I think I got everything straight.
For people flying this summer, baggage (checks) are applicable for these airlines: Air Canada: 2 x 23kg (max) bags per. Person Cathay Pacific: 2 x 23kg (max) bags per. Person (appl. for only North/South/Central America) We also booked our Malaysia Trip!!! So HongKong-ers, I will be away between Jun 17 – Jun 21.
Hong Kong Countdown: 7 days (1 week)
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Important HK Dates
Hong Kong Countdown: 9 days
So I've pretty much decided that I'm gonna get a tattoo sometime hopefully in winter. Bad news is… I have to cover it up when my parents are around, that or I need to put on some kind of concealer on when I'm around them. Lol.
Time for Bed
Gee is it ever late… Did a lot of stuff at work today for once.
I think I should get my tattoo sooner - trying to shoot for my birthday. =3 Hope it's not that expensive and painful.
Anyways, g'night.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Mother’s Day –(con’t)
Sorry for not posting much yesterday. I was kind of sleepy from all that stuff that I had to do yesterday.
So yesterday, we went over to [Golden Rice Bowl] for some yummy Dim Sum. I was still kind of thinking of a gift for my mom as I was scarfing down my Siu Mai. Lol. So what do all females like? Purses of course! Gawd, why didn't I think of that before!? Hey, mom lets go to Southgate hmm? Well the bill came to about $35 - I treated my parents to Dim Sum. As we arrived at Southgate, my dad had to go pay some bills... and then we all went to the bathroom.... yaddy yaddy ya... and finally.. Oh mom lets go in here (Coach). All these sale associates we're questioning if I was buying something for my mom on Mother's Day... Well duh, obviously... like I would wear a purse... .... .... So moving on... - my mom knocked like 2 things over at that store, and tried on about every purse that they have in stock. At first she chose this black fabric purse w/ white lettering, though after she didn't like it. Instead, she got this one:

It's pretty nice I think. Though, she kept digging in the purse trying to find the price. And you know.. I was all like "It's ok mom, you don't have to look at it, I'll buy it for you whatever the price may be." Time to check out, though a Chinese Auntie with her daughter shopping for shoes offered us with a 25% discount on a purchase. So we put our purchases all on one bill. I have to give a big shout out to the mother who did this for my mother and I, so thanks Angela L.; you saved me like ~$70, which I can use to buy Final Fantasy XIII. Gawd, I want that game so much... (**hint hint guys). So my Visa was heavily damaged yesterday. Thank god Mother's Day comes once a year. And like my niece says "You could use your Visa card, and then you don't have to pay". How was your guys' Mother's Day? I would love to hear about it. Comment in the box below. Oh yeah.... "Mom, I love you. Happy Mother's Day" - Kevin
Hong Kong Countdown: 14 days
Happy Mother's Day to All Mothers
Thursday, May 6, 2010
It’s 4 In the Morning…
I should listen to <<4 In the Morning>> by Gwen Stefani right now.
Haha, actually, I'm watching this Taiwanese drama. ROFL, it's so funny. <<命中注定我爱你>> Click if you want to watch. But one question… Why does all Taiwanese Dramas all talk about love or sex? I'm not objecting… JKJK Bahaha.. cough* Anyways, got to get back to watching. Teehee hee.
This will be a short blog. See ya.
Hong Kong Countdown: 19 Days
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Asia Trip 2010
Wow, this week has been so busy I didn't post anything for 4 days consecutive days now. FAIL. Here's a fast sum up of the last 4 days.
Saturday, May 1, 2010:
Today, was a hectic day - working. Yes… sitting on a chair for 4 hours is considered hard work… (for your butt). I mean… trying to get up after that long period of time is not as easy as it seems. At 6, I drove myself home. Sigh* I wish I could get my license soon! All I have to master now is parallel parking. Damn… why is it so hard?! Other people make it seem like it's so easy to do. Anyways… At 7:30 I took the LRT to University. Train riders really change at night compared to the day time. Rowdy, and irresponsible adults cannot be missed – and of course, they get off at Corona. Why am I not surprised? Walking to Hudsons, I called Lara (to see if she's there yet – I don't want to be a loner at the bar). Entering the bar, I couldn't find her. Being dumbfounded, I suddenly realized there was a flight of stairs that led to the basement. Who knew Hudsons on Campus had a basement?! As the night went on, our table went um… how do I put it? – Crazy!!! Drop shots = Fail. Drop Shot #1: Jaggerbombs (At first it was just Lara doing it, but we all felt bad so we all ordered one just to comfort her. See, aren't we good friends?). 3…2…1… Drop --- Spills.. Let me tell you.. the shot glasses are the same height as the glass, so when you tilt it, the jagger doesn't flow properly into the energy drink. The double glass makes it impossible for you to not spill on the table. I actually drank all of the jagger first (somehow) and had energy drink as a left over. LOL at Lara though, she got jaggerbomb on the floor + table + on herself. The spilling drinks doesn't stop here folks! Drop Shot #2: Gladiator. This was much better. They didn't put as much fluid in the big glass compared to the first shot - so no drink spillage. Yay!! An accomplishment for the night. In between Nicole somehow spilled a Stella Atrois on herself. LOL. Strike 2. The funny thing is that she didn't even drink that night!! Drop #3: Gladiator. Ok… Rene was making fun of us before for spilling, lets see how he does… Oo… sorry Rene, you didn't do much better than us. Haha. Somehow, after cleaning our table for more than 5 times, the waitress tells us that drop shots aren't a good idea because of the glasses. Wow… you tell us now?! I mean shouldn't you have realized after the first 2 to warn us (I mean, she was cleaning off the table every odd minute). That ladies and gentlemen was spill #3. Spill #4 was made by Victor. I bought them all a round of pornstars (the drink.. for those who are perverted). He was drinking it then all of a sudden…. (Clink – Dribble*) Ooo… Waitress Come Back!!! In the end we ganged up on Lara; Victor and Tony bought her 3 martinis/margaritas. In total she had 9 drinks (w/ food).
----Lara wants to go to the bathroom----
LARA: Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom
(KEVIN, VICTOR, and TONY moves over)
(LARA steps on the floor…)
VICTOR and KEVIN: Are you ok?!
LARA: I'm fine.
(LARA takes a step… She wobbles… (like a penguin))
VICTOR, TONY, and KEVIN begins to laugh (LMFAO)
----Melissa then goes to check up on Lara----
You had to be there to see how funny it was. Victor had 6 drinks, I had 7.5 (since Shelly didn't finish hers), Rene had like 11?! I think…, Tony had 2? Yep. The bill of the night? $300. We went out for Chinese food at 1 in the morning. I didn't get back till like 2.
Sunday, May 2, 2010:
Had Dimsum and planned for cousins wedding. I'm the powerpoint dude. LOL
Oh, and the <<Shanghai Expo Opening Ceremony>> was on TV. It was so amazing. I loved it. Apparently they spent $1 Billion RMB on the Fireworks display. Hmm.. I don't think I would be able to make that much in my lifetime and yet they spend that much in just 30 minutes.
Monday, May 3, 2010:
Just worked for 8.5 hours. No big deal.
Can you believe it snowed today?! Ahh… Hopefully all that warm weather could melt the snow before Friday!!!
And now, the topic that the post was meant for. My Asia Trip 2010
So as most of you all know, I'm going to HK on the 24th. Yes! I'm going for almost 2 months. So my friends and cousins will be in HK too. This might be the best trip to Asia so far. Last time I went back, we only went to Beijing and Shen Zhen. This time…
-Malaysia (More than one place)
So far the schedule of our vacation is this:
HK (May 25 – Jun 19)
MALAY (Jun 19 – Jun 24)
HK (Jun 24 – Jul 7)
JAP (Jul 7 – 12)
HK (Jul 12 – Jul 15)
EDM (Jul 15)
-----Times are approximate
Countdown: 20 days
Saturday, May 1, 2010
It’s 02:45:54!!
Why am I not asleep you may ask? Er… well I don't have a good answer to that.
I hope I can fall asleep soon. I mean after all, I have to work at 10:30 tomorrow. Meh, time to go to bed I suppose. I'll be back blogging in 10 hours I suppose.
Sweet Dreams.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Song Parodies
LOL. This made my day. They're parodies are so funny. Enjoy.
Video: Tik Tok - Ke$ha Parody: Glitter Puke - Key of Awe$ome #13
A Day at JB’s “Renovated” House
Today, I spent the day trying to make myself get out of bed. That totally backfired… "What… what time is it? … (glares at the clock) Holy crap! It's already 10:15?! Oh, well I'm going to be late (meeting up with Lara)…" Having many different types of "situations" *cough, I stumbled out of the house at half past ten. Missing the 140, I had to take the long route (the 9). In addition, I had to wait for another 5 minutes for the LRT to arrive. Funny thing, I bumped into Lara and Victor (her friend) at the University Station. Apparently Lara gave my Hudson's ticket to Tak Yin. Lovely. Finding Tak at CAB, we rushed over to SUB so she can do buyback at the bookstore… All that effort just to get a measly $30 back! That Stats textbook cost $75 new. RIP OFF!!!!
Getting Tim Hortons just so that I can pay Tak off for the ticket, I kind of forgot to give her the $10. Wow… I was totally on the ball today… So I had a stomach ache again… back into the "situation" room I go. Waving Tak Yin goodbye, I got a text from Jamieson, not alerting me to meet him at the LRT station. It was ok; I shopped at West Ed for 3 hrs, which I didn't anticipate. Jamieson… you're supposed to text me when you're on the process of getting home, not when you got home for some time and I have to call you… You are lucky that I bumped into Lara and Victor 3~ times at West Ed today. At least I wasn't alone. I ended up buying a purple handkerchief at Le Chateau and a tee- at American Eagle. I would've bought jeans too, but unfortunately they didn't have my size… bummer.
I forgave Jamieson since he offered me a ride from the bus stop to his house… That "forgivingness" quickly changed as they "waved" to me and drove off to Macs. *Incoming Call: Jamieson Dafoe Dafoe: Hey, we're just going to turn around. Want to meet us at the other side of the street? Lang: Sure. (Kevin crosses the street to see the rusty red truck park outside of the Mac Store) Shortly after, another phone call.
*Incoming Call: Jamieson Dafoe Dafoe: Hey, do you actually want to come to Macs? They want to get slurpees. (Kevin does not look that amused, and the wind picks up) Lang: Sure… =(
(Apparently, they do a vote before they came to pick their friends up to see who goes and drives "the friend" over. However, the vote is not an excited "Oooo… I want to pick him up" kind of vote… It's more of an "Aweh, do I have to?" kind of vote.)
Jamieson's basement is nice and 10x better than his messy basement before the renos. We played "slap ball"? where we had to use only our hands to slap the ball into our opponents net. A word of wisdom: DO NOT WEAR JEANS while playing, and wear leg pads, because sliding on the carpet on your knees Hurt. It was delightful meeting Tina and Chris. And it was fun to see all of my friends again: Joel, Jamieson (ugh even though ditching me), Chris R., Garrick, Jon, and Jeremy.
What did we do at JB's house? Watching Chris' "24", though I was confused 60% of the time. As well as playing Guitar Hero. It surprised me that Jeremy had a good singing/karaoke voice (amazingly). Eating a late night dinner at 8:30 at Boston Pizza was interesting. They messed up Jeremy's order, so he got a free individual pizza. He ate both his small and individual pizza. Holy crap! Where does it all go?! "Fatty" as Jon would say.
Back at JB's we played Super Mario Bros Wii. In teams, JB attempted to kill us all. He succeeded. It's supposed to be a "team" effort gawd Jamieson. It was fun ganging up on him though. Haha.
Hmm... I smell like a Jamieson now.
Warning: Before playing "Slap ball" please cut your fingernails. Thankyou. I look like an Emo that just slit my wrist...
Summer's off to a good start. Can't wait for what the future holds.
Hong Kong Countdown: 25 days
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Summertime is Here!
Can't believe that summer's here! Exams ended for me yesterday, and to kick it off, my friends and I watched "How to Train Your Dragon"!
"How to Train Your Dragon" is such an awesome movie. At first I thought "Toothless" had ugly eyes..., but 20 minutes later, Oooo. ^.^ he had the cutest eyes EVER!!! That movie made me want to get a pet dragon. Hehe. Well it has to be cute as the dragons in the movie of course. The movie had suspense, conflict, romance, comedy, and did I mention cuteness? The movie is about 1 hr 30 mins, though I wish it could've been longer.
Here's the trailer for the movie
Directors: Dean DeBlois, Chris Sanders
Writers: Cressida Cowell (story), Dean DeBlois (screenplay)
Genre: Animation
A comedy adventure set in the mythical world of burly Vikings and wild dragons. From the studio that brought you "Shrek," "Madagascar" and "Kung Fu Panda" comes "How to Train Your Dragon" - a comedy adventure set in the mythical world of burly Vikings and wild dragons, based on the book by Cressida Cowell. The story centers around a Viking teenager named Hiccup, who lives on the island of Berk, where fighting dragons is a way of life. The teen's smarts and offbeat sense of humor don't sit too well with his tribe or its chief... who just happens to be Hiccup's father. However, when Hiccup is included in Dragon Training with the other Viking teens, he sees his chance to prove he has what it takes to be a fighter. But when he encounters (and ultimately befriends) an injured dragon, his world is flipped upside down, and what started out as Hiccup's one shot to prove himself turns into an opportunity to set a new course for the future of the entire tribe.
Kevin's Critique: 4.7/5.0 ★★★★★
I highly suggest you watch this movie in IMAX 3D. It's worth it. Trust me.
Want the OST for the movie? Click the link below. ^.^
●How to Train Your Dragon [OST]●
Password for .rar file:
After that amazing movie, we decided to go to Moxies to eat a "midnight snack" as Victoria C. calls it. To us, it was dinner. To Nhi… well she doesn't eat past 8pm, so there's no word to define it.
Why Moxies you may ask? Because it's Margarita Tuesday! And it's only 3.99. Bonnie and I think it was delicious.
[Raspberry Kiwi Crush Margarita – kiwi and raspberry purees, lime slush, Smirnoff raspberry vodka]
To view the full menu, click the following link below:
Hong Kong Countdown: 26 days till takeoff.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Blog Topic #6: A Hike in Tution
The University of Alberta has announced a tuition hike of $550 for the school year 2010-2011. Clara Ho from the Edmonton Journal stated that particular studies like Medicine could expect a tuition increase of 60%, which translates to approximately $4000. As of March 26, 2010, students can expect the increase of medicine and dentistry to drop from a $4000 hike to about $3400 and for undergraduates a slash of $160 of the old proposed increase (Stolte, 2010). I find that the increase of $290 is less of a drastic change as opposed to $550. The increase of $290 will be effective for the next two years. In four years, I plan to apply for medicine. Knowing that tuition was already expensive, I did not predict the tuition would increase by $3400 each year. Governments across North America stated countries are in need for medical doctors. The demand for doctors is also due to the government’s inability to fund medical students. It takes a large amount of money to allow one student to graduate. Students demonstrated how they felt about the increase in tuition on Thursday by marching to the Legislature. Elise Stolte stated that the government would cut of $20 million to fund the University of Alberta. This cuts school activities, lay-offs for professors, and less spots in courses.
I do not think the unequal distributed tuition amounts are fair. There should be a certain amount (percentage) in which the University can increase each year. The percentage should be consistent with each faculty or degree for which the individual applies to. In Canada many students cannot afford secondary education because they are restricted the amount of money they possess. “Every person has a right to be educated” is what makes Canada a country with rights and freedoms. However, the increase in tuition might have citizens wondering if that is the case. I believe the government should put aside a greater percentage of the budget into education. By doing so, students are willing to consider medicine as a potential career and more students can be accepted into the faculty.
There are other ways of subsidizing the deficit of the University of Alberta. Fundraisers and school rallies can help aware individuals of a particular topic and help collect money for the school. This is not the greatest idea, but it is a start.
The road ahead is a long one, so make the best out of it. The hard work a student goes through in University is difficult. And remember that the money an individual puts aside for University is not that easy to gain. Therefore, study hard and the reward will eventually pay off the debts of University.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Blog Topic #5: The Lady of Shalott
Gazing out her window, she admires the vast scenery that surrounds her. It seems as though the Lady of Shalott was waiting for someone – a knight perhaps. Time is on her hand as she describes vividly about the road to Camelot; the river and the village that it goes by. The Lady of Shalott watches the knights go by "two and two" but they were not the one she desires. She periodically glances at her mirror, hoping that someday "the curse" will break and that particular someone will come. Miraculously one day, a knight by the name of Lancelot rides down that road to Camelot. She left her tower and flowers bloomed, but the curse was still upon her. The mirror cracked. The love she had for Lancelot is something that she did not experience in her lifetime. With four stanzas describing Lancelot's physiques, the Lady of Shalott describes him as charming, handsome, and bold. It seems though as if Sir Lancelot fell in love with another individual. The impact of this devastated her. Leaving that night to a boat, she sings a song and dies.
This was a great read, and I think that the relationship between the Lady of Shalott and Sir Lancelot would have been successful if they had given it a chance. Seeing, as she had never experienced this kind of emotion with any other knight, the love that she had for Lancelot is truly pure. The curse that Tennyson puts on her character made her imprisoned to her tower. The first few stanzas shows how much she wants to see the actual world beyond her four grey walls. Within the first few stanzas, Tennyson uses imagery that the Lady of Shalott sees outside her tower. She hopes one day that she can turn those images into reality.
This poem has value to society. An individual's mind can alter by how they interact with society. Since the Lady of Shalott is "trapped" within her tower, she doesn't have the opportunity to see much of the world. The critical struggle within the Lady of Shalott is parallel to the artist's struggle.
The structure of the poem has no particular rhyming pattern. However, most of the stanzas end with the line "Lady of Shalott." It is significant because it reminds the reader the emotions and actions the Lady of Shalott feels. The poem is a bit confusing at first; I had to take it slow. It doesn't mean that I think it's not a good poem, but there is more analyzing and interpreting in this particular piece than any other pieces we've read so far this term.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Blog Topic #4: Vancouver 2010
The Winter Olympics in Vancouver are spectacular. The week started out with the mogul skier, Alexandre Bilodeau, winning gold. It’s our first
The struggle between the United States and Canada in the hockey match was overwhelming. The US got their first goal in the first few minutes of the first period; Canada picks up their first goal to tie up the game shortly after the US. One goal became two and two eventually became three, and it was 3-1 US. Canada buckled down and made two goals in one period, though the United States scored another, making it 4-3. In the third period, an empty net was seen on the Canadian’s side, with one more shot from the US, the game ended with a 5-3 win for the United States. A bit of disappointment there, but that feeling quickly dissipated when Canada beat Germany with 8-2. Hockey was not just the only thing that made the Olympics fun to watch. The pure laughter and cheering heard among the streets of downtown Vancouver and Whistler made it “the place to be.” As mentioned, Alexandre Bilodeau, the mogul skier, won the first gold medal at home. During winter, I like to spend my time skiing. Watching Alex ski inspired me to ski more frequently this year. I like the fact that not only is skiing exercise, but you can take time to look at the scenery. Skating is another sport that I would like to improve on; not figure skating though... I think the Olympics help inspire kids to take up the sport and it shows that determination does pay off in the end.
Crowds chanting the national anthem, hundreds of photos taken per second, and the anticipation as you see someone representing your country getting a medal is exhilarating; it makes you feel proud. However, some “anti-organization groups” believe that the Olympics Games are a waste of money as funding could have went to homeless shelters. These protestors went up to the streets of downtown Vancouver smashing and vandalizing windows of the Hudson Bay Company, sponsor of the Olympics Games. However, these acts did not stop Vancouverites from supporting their country.
The noticeable flaw in the opening ceremony was upsetting; with the hydraulic system for the cauldron didn’t rise, many spectators sat with confusion. Even though there was an error in the program, the fact that the games were held in our country will always be a memorable moment in our lifetime.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Blog Topic #3: Apple’s iPad or Sony’s Reader Digital Book?
The iPad serves as a multipurpose "portable" electronic device. Many consumers would like a device that has all the basic accessories such as: a music and video player, a photo gallery, wireless internet (WIFI), and even gaming software. Well the iPad can do all that and more! As technology enhances each year, it is hard to keep up with it. Almost every day you hear about new innovations on the television that are more sleek and aerodynamic. But can you actually keep up with it? For one, the iPad is not that different from the iPod touch. The iPod touch has all of the same functional applications as the iPad, except for the e-book reader. As many of us consumers already have purchased iPod touches, I do not feel the need of buying a product which has all the same functions and application that the iPod touch, which I have already owned. Buying a device with just an e-book function is not worth another $600. So why not just keep using my iPod touch and buy an e-book reader from Sony which costs less and is more portable?
For now, I find Apple's iPad is more of a way for the corporation to gain money from consumers. I really do not believe people would find it convenient to carry a massive 9 inch e-book reader just to listen to music. Why don't they just buy an iPod touch which functions the exact same way that an iPad would? (Minus the ability of reading electronic books of course…)
However, I do find e-book readers useful. They are eco-friendly as they provide relief for the poor trees that gets chopped down. With fewer books printed, forests will have time to rejuvenate and our carbon footprint will shrink. Textbook printing companies, like Pearson, should provide an option for consumers to purchase an electronic version instead of the hardcover book. Prices for the electronic version should be less expensive than the hardcover books to promote putting a stop to destroying natural forests. Buying e-books can be beneficial to students because we would not have to lug those massive thousand paged books on our backs! In fact, by purchasing an e-book reader, we can reduce the percentage of people getting back pain from the less weight that we carry around each and every day.
It may take time for North America to adapt to this leap in technology but it will be very useful indeed. The world is constantly changing and by using these new gadgets we can improve our standard of living. New technologies which help to make our lives simpler sprout each and every day. So as of right now, I think I am going to stick with my 16GB iPod touch and listen to some good old music.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Blog Topic #2
I believe eighteen year olds should not be kicked out until they feel confident to adapt to the outside world. From the two articles, Mr. Brunetta, a former “bamboccione”, suggests to the Italian government to propose a law, which states individuals who are over the age of eighteen, should be kicked out of the house. Personally, I do not agree with Mr. Brunetta. Individuals who do not have a steady income, or are not financially ready should not move away from home. Reason being is because this action might cause an influx of homelessness. With not enough money to pay mortgages and rent, it may cause bankruptcy to an individual and eventually losing their home. Most people do want to move away and become independent however due to personal reasons.
Although I do not promote the law Mr. Brunetta is proposing, but I also do not believe people who are capable of living on their own should still live within their parent’s house. Living on your own is a big responsibility as there is no one to “make the bed” for you. Doing your own laundry, making your own food, and keeping the house nice and clean is a daily routine. Seeing that Mr. Brunetta lived with his parents for thirty years, he should not criticize other people who are doing the same action as he did in the past. With a decline in the economy, it is harder for individuals to find or maintain their current jobs. Statistics shows how a greater amount of citizens has been using the food bank on a weekly basis than in the past. Instead of forcing children to leave their parent’s house when they turn eighteen, the government should be focused on improving the economy as well as eliminating or at least lower the percentage of homelessness.
Living at your parents until you are forty is a bit on the extreme side. However, I believe it is better for them to live under a roof than on the streets. Instead of living off their parent’s money, they should at least pay for groceries, and possibly rent.
In the future, I will eventually purchase my own house when I feel confident and ready. Although, I would invite my parents to live with me as I do worry about their growing age. Seeing how they have raised me for these past eighteen years, I think I should do something for them in the future.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Blog Topic #1
I believe Mr. Buwalda's death was traumatizing to the community. Seeing as he resides in a rural community, the law does not state keeping large animals in captivity is illegal. However, many are trying to appeal to have a law restricting residence of raisng exotic animals in their backyard. Mr. Buwalda has been keeping animals for years and he kept his feline friends in a professional cage which contains glass, steel bars, and was made out of concrete. He has been raising animals for numerous years, since he previously has provided his animals to a zoo. It is unfortunate that Mr. Buwalda died in the cage while feeding his tiger. The carelessness and his actions lead to his death.
Mr. Buwalda has compassion and love for his animals. His neighbors paints a portrait of him with his large feline animals as if they were his close friends. This symbolizes how much dedication he takes to raise his animals. Some believe he does not communicate to the human race as well as to his exotic animals. Not only Mr. Buwalda keeps tigers, panthers and cougars, but he also keeps deer and other roaming animals at one point as well said Constable Carlson. This enforces how Mr. Buwalda has previous knowledge how to raise wild animals.
The policeman who was interviewed described how he did not feel he was in any serious danger at that time, unless the tiger was released out of its cage. Although the animals were kept in zoo-like cages, I believe these exotic animals should not be allowed to be kept in residential areas. These animals can be potentially harmful to humans and can attack without warning. I believe these animals should be given to local zoos where they have more professionals handling the tigers. Because humans cannot predict the animal's motives, there is a sense of danger and vulnerability.
It is not fair to both the animals nor to the residents to live in these conditions. Animals should not be held captive as they were born to live in the wild in the open forests and not in cages. Residence within the town has a potential risk of a tiger, a panther, and/or a cougar roaming at night. Mr. Rawson who lived in the vicinity of Mr. Buwalda has heard the growl of his animals before. This is not fair to others living in the neighborhood as animal noises might be distracting and irritable.
I think that this story provides awareness to pet owners and to residents to stay away from large animals as they are unpredictable.